7 vachan of hindu marriage | Most Importent

तीर्थव्रतोद्योपन यज्ञकर्म मया सहैव प्रियवयं कुर्याय वामांगमायामि
तदा त्वदीयं ब्रवीति वाक्यं प्रथमं कुमारी !!

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The groom promises to take care of his bride, their children and the family. In return, the bride undertakes the responsibility of looking after the groom’s home and his food.

Vivah Ke 7 Vachan

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पुज्यौ यथा स्वौ पितरौ ममापि तथेशभक्तो निजकर्म कुर्या:,
वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं ब्रवीति कन्या वचनं द्वितीयम !!

The groom promises to protect his bride under all circumstances. In return, the bride promises to stand by her husband through his agonies and ecstasies.

Vivah Ke 7 Vachan

जीवनम अवस्थात्रये मम पालनां कुर्यात,
वामांगंयामि तदा त्वदीयं ब्रवीति कन्या वचनं तृ्तीयं !!

The groom promises to work hard to earn enough wealth for the family and in return, the bride promises to effectively take care of the income and expenses

Vivah Ke 7 Vachan

कुटुम्बसंपालनसर्वकार्य कर्तु प्रतिज्ञां यदि कातं कुर्या:,
वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं ब्रवीति कन्या वचनं चतुर्थं !!

The groom promises to entrust the responsibility of his household to his bride and respect her wise decisions regarding the same.  In return, the bride promises to fulfil her duties to the best of her abilities for a respectful living.

Vivah Ke 7 Vachan

स्वसद्यकार्ये व्यवहारकर्मण्ये व्यये मामापि मन्त्रयेथा,
वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं ब्रूते वच: पंचमत्र कन्या !!

The groom promises to consult his wife in all important matters. In return, the bride promises to support her groom in all his endeavours.

Vivah Ke 7 Vachan

न मेपमानमं सविधे सखीनां द्यूतं न वा दुर्व्यसनं भंजश्चेत,
वामाम्गमायामि तदा त्वदीयं ब्रवीति कन्या वचनं च षष्ठम !!

The groom promises to remain committed and loyal to his bride besides considering her alone as his wife. The bride in return promises to remain faithful to her husband.

Vivah Ke 7 Vachan

परस्त्रियं मातृसमां समीक्ष्य स्नेहं सदा चेन्मयि कान्त कुर्या,
वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं ब्रूते वच: सप्तममत्र कन्या !!

The groom promises to lead his entire life with is bride, who is not just his wife but his friend forever. In return, the wife too promises to spend her life with him until the very end.

Vivah Ke 7 Vachan

Read More :- Janmashtami 2024 date : How Vasudeva saved Krishna? All you need to know !!

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