Green tea

It can help reduce body weight, body mass index (BMI), and belly fat in people with type 2 diabetes. Beneficial effects of it were observed at doses lower than 800 milligrams per day in studies lasting 8 weeks or longer.

Puerh tea

It may help lower blood sugar and regulate fatty acid metabolism. it may also support weight loss. In fact, daily consumption of it was associated with reductions in body weight, BMI, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels.

Black tea

Drinking 3 cups of powdered black tea each day for 3 months significantly increased weight loss and reduced waist circumference.

Oolong tea

Study found that drinking oolong tea twice daily for 14 days increased fat burning by 20%, which could theoretically lead to weight loss.

White tea

The benefits of it are well-studied, and range from improving oral health to killing cancer cells in some test-tube studies. It is rich in catechins, which may help enhance weight loss.

Coupled with a healthy diet and regular exercise, a cup or two of tea each day could help you boost weight loss and prevent harmful belly fat.

However, keep in mind that more research is needed to understand how the effects of these teas may apply to humans and to confirm the potential beneficial effects of tea when it comes to fat loss.