Atique Ahmed Shot Dead How much was Atique Ahmed's net worth?

Atique Ahmed, a former MP and a notorious criminal, was shot dead in Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj district on 15 April 2023.

Ahmed was a five-time MLA from Allahabad West and had several criminal cases against him.

He was also known for his alleged involvement in the murder of a BSP MLA in 2005.

Ahmed was reportedly worth several crores and owned several properties and businesses.

He had a history of using his political influence to escape legal consequences for his actions.

Ahmed was once considered a powerful muscleman in the region and had several supporters and followers.

His death has sparked concerns about the state of law and order in Uttar Pradesh.

The police have launched an investigation into the incident and have arrested several suspects.

The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh has expressed condolences to Ahmed's family and promised swift action against the perpetrators.

The incident has once again brought the issue of criminalization of politics to the forefront of public discourse in India.