A credit card is a type of credit facility, provided by banks that allow customers to borrow funds within a pre-approved credit limit. It enables customers to make purchase transactions on goods and services.
HDFC Bank Regalia Credit CardINR 2500 + 18% GSTAnnual fee will not be charged if the subscriber spends INR 3 lakh in one year.
INFINIA Credit Card Metal Edition
INR 12,500 + 18% GST
Annual fee will not be charged if the subscriber spends INR 10 lakh in one year.
Business MoneyBack
INR 500 + 18% GST
Annual fee will not be charged if the subscriber spends INR 50,000 in one year.
Platinum Times Credit Card
INR 1,000 + 18% GST
Annual fee will not be charged if the subscriber spends INR 2 lakh 50 thousand in one year.
InterMiles HDFC Bank Platinum Credit Card
INR 1,000 + 18% GST
Annual fee will not be charged if the subscriber spends INR 2 lakh 50 thousand in one year.
InterMiles HDFC Bank Platinum Credit Card
INR 1,000 + 18% GST
Annual fee will not be charged if the subscriber spends INR 2 lakh 50 thousand in one year.