Name: Reita Faria Year of Winning the title: 1966 Year of Birth: 1943 Skills and Education: Physician and model

Name: Aishwariya Rai Year of Winning the title: 1994 Year of Birth: 1973 Skills and Education: She was pursuing a degree in architecture, which she left for a career in modelling.

Name: Diana Hayden Year of Winning the title: 1997 Year of Birth: 1973 Skills and Education: Model, actress, TV host

Name: Yukta Mookhey Year of Winning the title: 1999 Year of Birth: 1977 Skills and Education: Holds a diploma in Computer Science. She was a model and actress before becoming a civic activist.

Name: Priyanka Chopra Year of Winning the title: 2000 Year of Birth: 1982 Skills and Education: She left her college education to enter the beauty pageant.

Name: Manushi Chillar Year of Winning the title: 2017 Year of Birth: 1997 Skills and Education: She is a doctor by degree. She is an actress and a model.

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By Priyanka Sawant