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ISRO chief hails role of Sanskrit in India becoming knowledge society since Vedic times

By - Ashay Jain

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ISRO chief recognizes Sanskrit's vital role in India's evolution as a knowledge society from ancient Vedic times.

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Sanskrit's contribution in shaping India as a knowledge society since Vedic era acknowledged by ISRO chief.

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ISRO chief highlights Sanskrit's historical significance in India's transformation into a knowledge society over centuries.

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Sanskrit's profound influence on India's intellectual growth since Vedic times praised by ISRO chief.

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ISRO chief commends Sanskrit's enduring impact on India's development as a knowledge-based society since ancient times.

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Sanskrit's timeless contribution to India's progress as a knowledge society acknowledged by ISRO chief.

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Sanskrit's role in fostering a knowledge society in India from Vedic era lauded by ISRO chief.

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ISRO chief commends Sanskrit's enduring impact on India's development as a knowledge-based society since ancient times.

Quote Of The Day

"Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge."

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