Hold onto your telescopes! The mega-asteroid 2020 DB5 is making its high-speed celestial sprint past Earth tomorrow, promising an astronomical spectacle.

Imminent cosmic spectacle as mega-asteroid 2020 DB5 zooms past Earth at 36,000 KMPH tomorrow.

First spotted in 2014, Asteroid 2020 DB5 comes closest to Earth, promising an astronomical marvel.

 Missed the show? Asteroid 2020 DB5 set for its next Earth rendezvous in 2076.

In the endless cosmic dance of celestial bodies, we have an imminent showstopper - Asteroid 2020 DB5. A member of the Amor group, this near-Earth object (NEO), 

categorized as a potential hazard, is racing its way towards us. With a size ranging between a jaw-dropping 379 to 847 meters, this asteroid isn't just another pebble in the cosmic sandbox.

Discovered in 2014, But Why the Buzz Now? First spotted on October 29, 2014, 2020 DB5 has been making headlines recently because of its near approach. 

It completes a sun-bound orbit every 1,135 days, sometimes keeping a healthy distance of 483 million kilometers and occasionally getting a bit cozy at 154 million kilometers.

Coming Closer! With its zero-thousand-kilometer proximity to Earth (That's a mere zero astronomical units), light takes less time than an eye-blink to travel from 2020 DB5 to us. Buckle up, stargazers! 

The asteroid is expected to zoom past Earth tomorrow, June 15, at 07:34, at a distance of approximately 43.1 lakh kilometers. And hold your breath - it's racing at a breakneck speed of 36,000 kilometers per hour!

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