Jimmie Johnson is returning to the track for "select Cup races" in 2023, the league announced on Friday. The seven-time Cup Series

champion is joining Petty GMS in a part-owner role. Johnson's last Cup Series start as a full-time driver in 2020. In a news release,

Johnson commented, "It's nice to be back in NASCAR. "I began this adventure of what was next when the IndyCar season came to

a finish. When Maury and I got in touch, this possibility presented itself, and it is ideal for me. At this point in my career, team

ownership makes so much sense, and after talking to Mike Beam, Dave Elenz, the crew chief of the No. 43, and Joey Cohen, the

director of competition and engineering, as well as spending time with Maury and his family, I realized that this was something I

wanted to be involved with from both a business and a competitive standpoint. I want to make a difference and have something

concrete to show for it if I'm going to commit to something like this. In light of that, this chance with Petty GMS is all of that and more.