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Van Der Poel arrested before World Cycling Championships


Mathieu Van ber Poel, one of the favourites to win‘the rainbow road

race at the World Championships in Wollongong, was detained after a nasty incident at his hotel.

According to Spôfza;the Belgian cyclist argued‘with youngsters who

kept knocking on his door. In the incident, "the male reportedly shoved both teens:

: one fell to the ground, while a girl rubbed her elbow on à wall" Management phoned cops.

St George police apprehended a 27- year-old male (Van Der Poel). "There

was a battle with loud neighbours, but they‘re rigorous. At 4, I returned to my room after all the operations.

Not good. | can't stop the calamity. l'Il try. l'm-running on adrenaline since I didn't rest. It wasn't pleasant, but I had cope with it.

I eventually lost patience. Perhaps I didn't ask him to stop respectfully. Someone phoned the police, so I was pulled up, said the biker. Van Der Poel has withdrawn.