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Woman Asks If Rs 40-LPA Salary Is Good Enough For A 23-Year-Old In India, Starts A Twitterstorm

By - Ashay Jain

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A woman's query about a Rs 40-LPA salary for a 23-year-old sparks debate on Twitter.

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Twitter users express varied opinions on whether the salary is good enough.

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Some argue that it's an exceptional salary for someone of that age, while others point out the cost of living in India.

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The discussion highlights the significance of individual circumstances and perspectives.

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People share their own experiences and suggest factors to consider, such as career growth and long-term financial planning.

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The debate reflects the broader issue of salary expectations and the perception of success in India.

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The viral Twitterstorm prompts conversations about income disparities and job market realities.

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The discussion sheds light on the complex dynamics of salaries, age, and societal expectations in India.