NASA's Juno mission nears Jupiter's moon Io

NASA's Juno spacecraft will fly by Jupiter's volcanic moon Io and the gas giant itself on Tuesday, May 16th.

The flyby will be the closest to date, at an altitude of about 22,060 miles.

Juno has performed 50 flybys of Jupiter and collected data during close encounters with three of the four Galilean moons.

Io is the most volcanic celestial body in the solar system, and Juno will observe how the volcanoes vary over time.

Io is continuously stretched and squeezed due to the gravitational pull of Jupiter and its Galilean siblings.

Juno was designed to study Jupiter but has also provided a wealth of data on its moons.

JunoCam, JIRAM, SRU, and MWR sensors will study Io's volcanoes and their interactions with Jupiter's magnetosphere and auroras.

The spacecraft will explore the ring system where some of Jupiter's inner moons reside.

Juno is in the third year of its extended mission to investigate the interior of Jupiter.

The mission will provide valuable insights into the composition and evolution of Jupiter and its moons.