Creators, It’s Time to Start Labeling AI-Generated Content in Your YT Videos

Youtube AI Videos: YouTube YouTube creators now need to label whether their realistic-looking videos were created using artificial intelligence (AI)? This is because AI generated content can confuse or mislead users.

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When a user uploads a video to the site, they will be presented with a checklist asking if their content causes a real person to say or do something they did not do, alters footage of a real place or event, or depicts a realistic-looking scene that did not occur.

Youtube creators disclose altered or synthetic content
Youtube creators disclose altered or synthetic content

Why YouTube Doing This?

The aim of doing this is to help users avoid being confused by synthetic content in the midst of a flood of new, consumer-facing generative AI tools. These AI tools are very quick and easy to create compelling text, images, video, and audio that are frequently difficult to distinguish from the real thing.

Online safety experts have warned that the proliferation of AI-generated content could confuse and mislead internet users, particularly ahead of elections in the United States and elsewhere in 2024. YouTube creators will be required to identify when their videos contain AI-generated or otherwise manipulated content that appears realistic — “so that YouTube can attach a label for viewers” — and may face consequences if they fail to do so repeatedly.

The platform says that the update would be available in the fall, as part of a larger rollout of new AI policies. When a YouTube creator reports that their video contains AI-generated content, YouTube will add a label in the description saying that this video contain “altered or synthetic content” and “sound or visuals were significantly edited or digitally generated.”

Youtube creators disclose altered or synthetic content
Youtube AI Videos Update

Moreover, For videos on “sensitive” topics such as politics, the label will be added more prominently on the video screen.

Note: Creators will not be required to disclose synthetic or AI-generated content that is clearly unrealistic or “inconsequential,” such as AI-generated animations, lighting, or color changes.

According to the platform, creators will not be required “to disclose if generative AI was used for productivity, like generating scripts, content ideas, or automatic captions.”

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Sharma Shashank
Sharma Shashank
I'm Shashank Sharma - who is responsible for writing about technology, specifically Mobile Phone Review at AxpertMedia. I've a strong opinions in Business and Tech [Specially Mobile Phone, Blockchain and SaaS tools]. Moreover, when I'm not busy pursuing my interests, i love cooking up and experimenting with new recipes, flavors.

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