A man was taken into custody by the Pune City Police’s anti-narcotics unit for having brown sugar worth Rs. 40.44 lakhs. Shahid Akhtar Hussain Shaikh (49), a Kondhwa Budruk native and resident of Inam Nagar, has been named by the police as the culprit. According to a news release issued today, a team led by inspector Sunil Thopte, assistant inspector Shubhangi Narke, and others set up a trap for Shaikh on Wednesday at about 3 p.m., and after receiving a tip from policeman Chetan Gaikwad, they arrested him on the street in front of his home. Police discovered 336.01 grams of brown sugar in his possession during searches, which are worth an estimated Rs 40.44 lakhs. In accordance with the provisions of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, a first information report (FIR) was filed against him at the Kondhwa police station.
The source of his brown sugar is being investigated. According to the authorities, the accused was also previously detained in a Mumbai police narcotics trafficking case.