Suhani Bhatnagar, who played Aamir Khan’s daughter in “Dangal,” allegedly died on Saturday morning. She was nineteen. According to a Jagran article, Bhatnagar lived in Sector 17, Faridabad, Delhi NCR. Her last rituals will be performed at the Ajronda crematorium in Sector 15.
The specific reason of her death is unknown, however press sources indicate she had been receiving treatment at Delhi’s All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) for some time. According to the Jagran article, Bhatnagar shattered her leg following an accident. Complications from the injury caused fluid collection in her body, for which she was being treated.
Bhatnagar is most recognized for her performance as young Babita Phogat in “Dangal.” She co-starred with Aamir Khan in the smash blockbuster flick.
Bhatnagar extensively utilized Instagram when “Dangal” was launched in 2016. However, her most recent post on the photo-sharing network was in November 2021.