During his presentation to the UN GA on September 23, Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif leveled charges against India. In response, India said it was “regrettable” that he had done so.
First Secretary Mijito Vinito, an Indian diplomat, stated at the ‘Right of Reply’ session that followed Friday’s UN GA remarks, “He has done so to hide wrongdoings in his own country and to justify measures against India that the world views intolerable.”
Pakistan PM Statement
While Pakistan seeks peace with India, Mr. Sharif has stated that the region’s “sustainable peace and stability” depended on the Kashmir dispute being resolved. He mentioned that on August 5, 2019, India repealed Article 370. (special status for Jammu and Kashmir).
“A government that declares it wants to live in peace with its neighbours would never support international terrorism. In response, Mr. Vinito stated, “Such a country would not make unjustifiable and impossible territorial claims against neighbours, nor would it shield the masterminds of the horrifying terrorist assault in Mumbai, admitting their presence only under duress from the world community.
Mr. Sharif has claimed that India was taking land from Kashmiris, employing gerrymandering, and registering bogus voters in an effort to convert Jammu and Kashmir, which has a predominantly Muslim population, into a Hindu province.
Mr. Sharif mentioned India in a part about the rise of Islamophobia worldwide.
He said, “They are subjected to discriminating laws and policies, hijab bans, attacks on mosques, and lynchings by Hindu mobs. The worst form of Islamophobia is the state supported campaign of persecution against India’s over 200 million Muslims. Extremists’ calls for the genocidal extermination of India’s Muslims particularly worry me.
But we have heard false accusations today concerning more than simply the neighborhood, Mr. Vinito responded. It concerns fundamental decencies, human rights, and rights of minorities.
What can we infer about the underlying mentality when thousands of young women from minority communities are kidnapped as part of routine operating procedure? said Mr. Vinito.
In prior UNGA sessions, Pakistan has leveled charges against India, to which India has responded.
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