JEE-Advanced results: This year, 1,89,744 applicants registered for JEE Advanced examinations.
The results of the JEE-Advanced 2023 test, the admission exam for the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), were announced on Sunday, according to PTI, citing authorities. This year, 1,89,744 applicants registered for JEE Advanced examinations. Students should retain login information such as their date of birth and roll number accessible for viewing their results. Students may view their results at, the official JEE Advanced website. The JEE-Advanced 2023 test was held in two shifts on June 4. Paper 1 was held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., while Paper 2 was held from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
JEE-Advanced tests were given for a total of 360 points. Physics received 120 marks (60 marks in Paper 1 and 60 marks in Paper 2), Chemistry received 120 marks (60 marks in Paper 1 and 60 marks in Paper 2), and Maths received 120 marks (60 marks in Paper 1 and 60 marks in Paper 2).

How to check the JEE-Advanced 2023 result:
Step 1: Visit the official website for JEE-Advanced results 2023 at
Step 2: On the homepage, click the JEE Advanced 2023 result link.
Step 3: Enter login information such as your date of birth and roll number.
Step 4: Your outcome will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Download and store the outcome for later use.
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Vavilala Chidvilas Reddy topped the IIT-JEE Advanced test in 2023. Reddy received 341 points and is from the IIT Hyderabad zone. This year’s female winner is Nayakanti Naga Bhavya Sree. She received a score of 298/360 on the coveted admission exam.
Those who pass the IIT-JEE test in 2023 will be eligible to participate in the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) counseling for admission to the IITs in 2023. The JoSAA counseling procedure is expected to begin on June 19. While the Architectural Aptitude Test (AAT) 2023 will be held on June 21, the results will be announced on June 24.